Animal nutrition

Animal nutrition

We have the human and technical resources that have as main objective to present a set of advantageous nutritional solutions for the producers of the several animal species, under the brands MOAÇOR, PROMIL, LACTA, PROMILK, PROMOA, PROVIPOR and CANINA. We offer complementary compound feed for cattle that uses the fresh and green herb that abounds in the Azorean pastures. With the vast offer of diets for dairy cows, with more than 40 different references in the Conventional Line, High Yield Line, Unifeed Line and Supplement Line, we raise the quality of animal nutrition, contributing to the sustainability of the most important sector of economic activity of the Azores. We offer several complete compound feed for pigs and poultry raised in traditional and intensive regime, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Horses. We aim to ensure food safety, precision feed and R & D in animal nutrition, as well as sustainability along the value chain.

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