

Food distribution

Hotels & Leisure


In the Azores, whenever you think of grill food, and join family and friends, Salsiçor is present! When the embers begin to crack, the smell of the “Entradas do Corisco” and the barbecue sausages are the first appetizers that announce the beginning of the meal. A modest pinch of salt flower, at the starter moment of the ribeye steak and of some barbecue ribs, approach the family of the heat of the grill, because the smell does not deceive. Later on, and at the point of every desire, the first slices of a beef from the Azores emerge, with much, even great flavor … Whether in the field or at home, Salsiçor presents a set of traditional products that only are made in the Azores with the taste of yesteryear: a “Pé de Torresmo”, with noble pieces of meat, in a slice of corn bread, with white greens, fresh from an iron pot … And the beef burgers, from the beef cattle from the Azores, where the tender texture filled with flavor, reminds us of a homemade product that kills longing at every meal. It is to create water in the mouth and the longing in which it distances to us. Salsiçor – eat well, live better!

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