In addition to the concerns and obligations inherent to the Environmental Responsibility that derives from the nature and dimension of its industrial complexes, namely the installations subject to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) regime, we are committed to business practices environmentally sustainable, voluntary compliance, with the objective of Environmental protection. We are committed to values and guiding principles such as:
– Continuously improve environmental performance in order to minimize the impact of activities carried out our plants;
– Promote the use of renewable energy sources and the best technologies from an environmental perspective;
– Promote energy efficiency and rational energy use practices;
– Continue to invest in the rational use of water;
– Consider the expectations of the stakeholders, the environmentally relevant processes and their communication;
– To uphold ethical principles of transparency and integrity, relations with official entities and other stakeholders;
Examples include:
– Finançor Agro-Alimentar, SA, has ensured, by an external entity, compliance with all legal, statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the integrated management of Quality (ISO 9001: 2015) and Environment (ISO 14001: 2015) components, being a company certified in both standards;
– Agraçor, Swines of the Azores, SA, considered a reference in terms of the implementation of good environmental practices by Environmental Organizations and Government Entities, is also a Licensed Operator for the Management and Valorization of Organic Residues. This enables it to be self-sufficient in energy using a biogas production plant. It is involved as a member of the advisory board in the INCOVER project (http: // incover- INCOVER is a collaborative project between partners from Denmark, Germany, UK, France, Portugal and Spain funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.The INCOVER concept has been designed to transform wastewater treatment from a mere primary need for sanitary technology into a bio-product recovery industry and into a recycled water supply process. It aims to develop innovative and sustainable added value technologies for wastewater treatment based on a resource recovery model through the use of intelligent monitoring and control methodologies. For more information on INCOVER studies, INCOVER technologies and final bio-products, consult the project website: The INCOVER project was nominated as a finalist for the 2018 Water Industry Achievement Awards, winning the “Sludge & Resource Recovery” category. The Water Industry Awards were held at The Vox in Birmingham on 21 May 2018.
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